Talent Retention Index
- The TRI (Talent Retention Index) enables fact-based decision making, leading to interventions that will have a measurable impact
- Flexibility to adapt parts of the TRI to suit organisation
- Focuses your time, energy and money where they will deliver the best outcomes
- You determine the level of involvement you want to have
What is the TRI?
The TRI is a confidential survey which gives positive and accurate data. It also:
Produces an Engagement Score which can be benchmarked year on year
Assesses an organisation’s performance and the importance in areas/topics that are being evaluated
Has the ability to customise questions to suit specific needs of an organisation
Has the ability to customise the reports based on a variety of demographic information
Benchmarks results against other public/private sector companies in Australia
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Creates a logical road map to improve culture
The TRI will tell you:
- Why people are attracted to your organisation,
- How long they intend to stay with you,
- How committed they are to the success of the organisation,
- Which issues are important drivers of retention and engagement,
- How well you are performing on these important drivers,
- The specific issues you need to address to increase retention and engagement levels.